Welcome to Daniel Mandler's group at the Hebrew University!

The group deals with a wide spectrum of research fields spanning from fundamental electrochemistry, through the imprinting of nanoobjects, the chemical and electrochemical of deposition and functional coating, e.g., implants, to solar energy conversion and electricity storage.

We focus on the synthesis and methods of applying materials, thin films made of organic, inorganic, and hybrid materials. The group includes nearly 20 postdocs, PhD, MSc, and undergraduate students. We are constantly looking for excellent new group members.



Recent News

  • nano_to_nano-electrochemical_deposition


  • electrochemical_induced_deposition_of_nanomaterials
  • Preparation of nanoparticles of molecular imprinted polymers
  • flow-through_electrode_based_on_carbon_nanotubes
  • Controlling the structure of gold particles deposited on silicon
  • Growing gold nanoparticles on surfaces with controlled shape
  • A drop of water on a pellet made of salt from the Dead Sea with low percent of a hydrophobic material
  • Electrophoretically deposited NiOx decorated carbon nanotubes
  • Controlling nano hydroxyapatite size and shape
  • Detection of organic pollutants by flow-through carbon nanotubes electrochemical sensor
  • The  nanopatterning of various metal oxide nanoparticles different substrates using scanning ion conductance microscopy
  • A porous carbon framework provides a fast electron transfer path for NiO nanosheets with enhanced electrochemical performance.