Discomfort as a means of pre-service teachers’ professional development - an action research as part of the ‘Research Literacy’ course


Aliza Amir, Mandler, Daphna , Hauptman, Sara , and Gorev, Dvora . 2017. “Discomfort As A Means Of Pre-Service Teachers’ Professional Development - An Action Research As Part Of The ‘Research Literacy’ Course”. European Journal Of Teacher Education, 40, Pp. 231-245. doi:10.1080/02619768.2017.1284197.


This paper focus on defining a research question while conducting action research among third-year students attending a course on Research Literacy at a teacher education college. This paper discusses the process of preparing for and conducting action research among third-year students attending a course on Research Literacy at a teacher education college. The students were asked to conduct an action research on their classroom activities. The aim of this article is to present the process and pinpointing the discomfort of the students in formulating a research question suited to action research thanks to two prerequisite conditions: the ‘safe space’ and the ‘tender spot’. The research findings illustrate that the students had difficulty defining their ‘ tender spot’. It was necessary to create a ‘safe space’. Furthermore, the findings show that the ‘tender spot’ issues were associated with disciplinary content far more than with generic lesson management or classroom management issues. The approach discussed here is leading to positive change and it may be that this professional development tool can facilitate the induction of novice teachers everywhere.