Anisotropic CdS nanorods tipped by Au nanoparticles on one edge (Au-CdSNRs) are perpendicularly oriented at the air/water interface, whereby all the Au tips are located in the subphase, using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Since these nano-objects reveal light-induced charge sepn. at the semiconductor/metal interface, it is of high interest to control their organization. The orientation of these assemblies was studied in situ while compressing the Langmuir-Blodgett trough using the π-A isotherm, Brewster angle microscopy, and horizontal touch voltammetry. All these analyses clearly confirm the induced organization of the amphiphilic Au-CdS-NRs by compression of the Langmuir layer. The compressed layers are successfully transferred by the Langmuir-Schaefer method onto transmission electron microscopy grids while maintaining the preferential orientation as analyzed by TEM, SEM, STEM, and XPS. As far as can be detd., the Langmuir-Blodgett technique was not used so far for perpendicularly orienting anisotropic nano-objects. Moreover, these findings clearly demonstrate that anisotropic amphiphilic nano-objects can be treated with some similarity to the traditional amphiphilic mol. building blocks. [on SciFinder(R)]Notes:
CAPLUS AN 2014:1701150(Journal; Online Computer File)