A novel method for monitoring heavy metals in seawater is presented. The method is based on the electrochem. codeposition of metal hydroxides driven by the change of pH at the surface of a gold electrode. Altering the pH is achieved by applying a neg. potential or current that reduces the water and thereby increases the concn. of hydroxyl ions. This, in turn, causes metals to coppt. with Mg(OH)2. The continuous deposition enriches the ppt. with the metals (as compared with their concn. in the aq. phase) and allows their detn. by ICP-MS upon dissolving the deposit. A set of expts. in which seawater was spiked with 1-10 ppm of Cu, Cr, Co, Zn and Pb, was conducted. It was obsd. that metals were accumulated in the ppt. as a function of time and their concn. in seawater. The ppts. were analyzed by SEM, EDS and XPS indicating that the metal hydroxides formed a sep. phase from Mg(OH)2 and even water electroreducible metals, e.g., Cu2+, preferentially pptd. as hydroxides. Distribution consts. correlating the concns. of the metals in the deposited salts to their concns. in seawater were calcd. These calcns. imply that the mechanism governing the pptn. of the metal hydroxides by the electrochem. induced process is likely to be kinetically and mass-transport driven rather than thermodynamically controlled. [on SciFinder(R)]
Milk is one of the most fundamental ingredients in our diet. It is a complex biol. fluid, which contains numerous substances, ranging from metal ions to enzymes. There is a const. search for an improved way of monitoring its quality and freshness. These are highly affected by the redox state of milk, which is governed by different species. In this study, we investigated the redox state and capacity of milk. Specifically, milk was potentiometrically titrated using different redox mediators, which enabled facilitation of electron transfer between different oxidizable species and the electrode. We found that the iodine/iodide redox couple was superior for measuring the redox capacity of milk. These measurements revealed that milk is not a well-poised system due to the presence of at least two different oxidizable species, one of which is hydrophobic while the other is hydrophilic and therefore could be sepd. by phase sepn. of milk. [on SciFinder(R)]
Jie Zhang, Burt, David P, Whitworth, Anna L, Mandler, Daniel , and Unwin, Patrick R. 2009.
“Polyaniline Langmuir-Blodgett Films: Formation And Properties”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11, Pp. 3490-3496. doi:10.1039/b819809h.
Jie Zhang, Burt, David P, Whitworth, Anna L, Mandler, Daniel , and Unwin, Patrick R. 2009.
“Polyaniline Langmuir-Blodgett Films: Formation And Properties.”. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11, Pp. 3490 - 3496.
Abstract The deposition and characterization of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) layers of polyaniline (PAN) on solid supports is described. Langmuir films were spread as a mixt. of PAN and dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (DBSA) at the water/air interface and deposited on either glass or indium tin oxide (ITO). Mono- and multi-layer films of PAN/DBSA were characterized by XPS, at. force microscopy (AFM), absorption spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The ultrathin films produced are highly uniform and very stable. Further characterization of the films was accomplished by scanning electrochem. microscopy (SECM) in the feedback mode. The cond. depended strongly on the pH of the soln. and the no. of layers deposited. Values for the pH-dependent lateral cond. of PAN LB films are reported. [on SciFinder(R)]
Jie Zhang, Burt, David P, Whitworth, Anna L, Mandler, Daniel , and Unwin, Patrick R. 2009.
“Polyaniline Langmuir-Blodgett Films: Formation And Properties”. Phys Chem Chem Physphysical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp, 11, Pp. 3490 - 6.
Abstract The deposition and characterisation of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) layers of polyaniline (PAN) on solid supports is described. Langmuir films were spread as a mixture of PAN and dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (DBSA) at the water/air interface and deposited on either glass or indium tin oxide (ITO). Mono- and multi-layer films of PAN/DBSA were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), absorption spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The ultrathin films produced were found to be highly uniform and very stable. Further characterisation of the films was accomplished by scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) in the feedback mode. It was found that the conductivity depended strongly on the pH of the solution and the number of layers deposited. Values for the pH-dependent lateral conductivity of PAN LB films are reported.[on SciFinder (R)]
Yulia Shaulov, Okner, Regina , Levi, Yair , Tal, Noam , Gutkin, Vitaly , Mandler, Daniel , and Domb, Abraham J. . 2009.
“Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Grafting Onto Stainless Steel Surfaces: Application To Drug-Eluting Stents”. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 1, Pp. 2519-2528. doi:10.1021/am900465t.
Yulia Shaulov, Okner, Regina , Levi, Yair , Tal, Noam , Gutkin, Vitaly , Mandler, Daniel , and Domb, Abraham J. . 2009.
“Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Grafting Onto Stainless Steel Surfaces: Application To Drug-Eluting Stents”. Acs Appl Mater Interfacesacs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 1, Pp. 2519 - 28.
Abstract Drug-eluting stents (DESs) have been associated with adverse clinical effects. Moreover, recent publications have shown that the coating of DESs suffers from defects. The purpose of this contribution is to examine a three-step process for surface modification as a means of improving the durability of DESs. In the first step, 4-(2-bromoethyl)benzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate was electrografted onto a stainless steel (SS) stent. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of the modified stent confirmed the formation of the organic layer. In the second step, methyl methacrylate was polymerized onto the grafted surface by atom-transfer radical polymerization. XPS, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and contact-angle measurements were used to characterize the polymer brushes. The last step involved spray-coating of the stent with a drug-in-polymer matrix [poly(n-butyl methacrylate)/poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) + paclitaxel]. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed the considerably improved durability of the drug-in-polymer matrix. Bare controls showed greater cracking and delamination of the coating than did the two-step modified stents after incubation under physiological (37 degrees C) and accelerated (60 degrees C) conditions. Finally, paclitaxel controlled release from the modified SS DESs was moderate compared with that of nontreated samples. In conclusion, the proposed method significantly improves the durability of drug-in-polymer matrixes on a SS DESs.[on SciFinder (R)]
Yulia Shaulov, Okner, Regina , Levi, Yair , Tal, Noam , Gutkin, Vitaly , Mandler, Daniel , and Domb, Abraham J. . 2009.
“Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Grafting Onto Stainless Steel Surfaces: Application To Drug-Eluting Stents.”. Acs Appl. Mater. Interfacesacs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 1, Pp. 2519 - 2528.
Abstract Drug-eluting stents (DESs) have been assocd. with adverse clin. effects. Moreover, recent publications have shown that the coating of DESs suffers from defects. The purpose of this contribution is to examine a three-step process for surface modification as a means of improving the durability of DESs. In the first step, 4-(2-bromoethyl)benzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate was electrografted onto a stainless steel (SS) stent. XPS of the modified stent confirmed the formation of the org. layer. In the second step, Me methacrylate was polymd. onto the grafted surface by atom-transfer radical polymn. XPS, electrochem. impedance spectroscopy, and contact-angle measurements were used to characterize the polymer brushes. The last step involved spray-coating of the stent with a drug-in-polymer matrix [poly(Bu methacrylate)/poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) + paclitaxel]. SEM confirmed the considerably improved durability of the drug-in-polymer matrix. Bare controls showed greater cracking and delamination of the coating than did the two-step modified stents after incubation under physiol. (37°) and accelerated (60°) conditions. Finally, paclitaxel controlled release from the modified SS DESs was moderate compared with that of nontreated samples. In conclusion, the proposed method significantly improves the durability of drug-in-polymer matrixes on a SS DESs. [on SciFinder(R)]